

Make an Appointment Acupuncture Western Medical Acupuncture is a therapeutic modality that involves the insertion of fine needles, adapted from Chinese acupunture but based on current anatomical and physiological knowledge. This approach primarily stimulates the nervous system, with effects including local reflexes and neuromodulation. Is commonly used to treat a wide range of conditions, including…



Make an Appointment A medical consultation is a key aspect of healthcare, involving a patient’s interaction with a medical professional to discuss health concerns, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatment options. This consultation plays a crucial role in diagnosing health issues, developing treatment plans, and providing patient education and advice for managing health conditions. Key elements of…



Make an Appointment Physiotherapy Physical therapy aims to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those with physical impairments or disabilities. This therapy is crucial for individuals recovering from injuries, dealing with chronic conditions, or experiencing mobility issues. Key Aspects of Physiotherapy: Physiotherapists conduct a thorough assessment of the patient’s physical condition…